The primary witness for investigators in the college BB scandal is a real piece of work, and would not have made a good witness. Obviously the FBI understood his limitations, and made sure the evidence is really about videos and recordings.
Recordings that display an amazing amount of hubris from at least one coach taking payoffs to steer players to agents / schools.
Auburn assistant Chuck Person and others in late 2016 at a restaurant near the university in which Person agreed to accept $50,000 in bribes to steer college athletes to his firm, court papers said. The documents describe how a few weeks later, the pair exchanged chummy text messages about whether Person was being wired $5,000 or $10,000 as an installment.
"I thought it was 10. I guess 5 will do," Person said.
"Nah 5 + the 5 from yesterday right!" the cooperator reassured him. "No prob!"
Recordings that display an amazing amount of hubris from at least one coach taking payoffs to steer players to agents / schools.
Auburn assistant Chuck Person and others in late 2016 at a restaurant near the university in which Person agreed to accept $50,000 in bribes to steer college athletes to his firm, court papers said. The documents describe how a few weeks later, the pair exchanged chummy text messages about whether Person was being wired $5,000 or $10,000 as an installment.
"I thought it was 10. I guess 5 will do," Person said.
"Nah 5 + the 5 from yesterday right!" the cooperator reassured him. "No prob!"