G geo4ucla Well-Known Member Gold Member Aug 18, 2004 10,264 3,653 113 May 3, 2017 #1 I thought it was honest and insightful. He has so much potential but how successful he is on the football field is dependent on how committed he is to football. I'm pulling for him to be successful but regardless...vaya con dios, Mique. Reactions: tklbruin52, labarge, GmanC and 2 others
I thought it was honest and insightful. He has so much potential but how successful he is on the football field is dependent on how committed he is to football. I'm pulling for him to be successful but regardless...vaya con dios, Mique.
hbruin88 Well-Known Member Gold Member Jan 9, 2010 7,294 2,889 113 May 3, 2017 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
H hadji76 Well-Known Member Sep 7, 2003 527 24 18 May 3, 2017 #3 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
G goldsr Well-Known Member Jan 4, 2008 2,550 1,384 113 May 4, 2017 #4 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.