OK, no hidden message this time and, as we detailed Tuesday, the Michael Eletise development would be resolved quickly.
The Bruins, particularly coaches Adrian Klemm and Kennedy Polamalu, made a strong push for the four-star offensive guard in recent weeks. In fact, I was told that it was mostly a one-way conversation for most of that time. It wasn't until after UCLA's big win at Arizona that Eletise decided to finally respond to Klemm, and something began to brew. There was a thought that Eletise would officially visit UCLA in October with the thought that he could flip.
Eletise was deciding whether to turn his attention to UCLA, which was a heavy favorite early in the process until Klemm was suspended. Eletise slept on it and, according to a source, has decided against it. He's sticking with the Wildcats.
Klemm's suspension set the Bruins back considerably.
Full update here: https://www.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1808871
The Bruins, particularly coaches Adrian Klemm and Kennedy Polamalu, made a strong push for the four-star offensive guard in recent weeks. In fact, I was told that it was mostly a one-way conversation for most of that time. It wasn't until after UCLA's big win at Arizona that Eletise decided to finally respond to Klemm, and something began to brew. There was a thought that Eletise would officially visit UCLA in October with the thought that he could flip.
Eletise was deciding whether to turn his attention to UCLA, which was a heavy favorite early in the process until Klemm was suspended. Eletise slept on it and, according to a source, has decided against it. He's sticking with the Wildcats.
Klemm's suspension set the Bruins back considerably.
Full update here: https://www.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1808871