Thuc Nhi Nguyen is the Daily News beat writer on UCLA, and like Ed she covered all the UCLA practices. Ms. Nguyen did a Q&A that had some interesting stuff (linked below).
I thought her comments on the changes in coaching staff were particularly instructive:
Me personally, I think the new staff is a breath of fresh air, especially for the receivers and offensive line. Eric Yarber and Adrian Klemm had been here since the beginning of the Jim Mora era and maybe it was just getting a little stale. I respect that both Jimmie Dougherty and Hank Fraley came into spring practice and fall camp, looked at their units with fresh eyes and made changes. Dougherty looked at Christian Pabico and didn’t see just a walk-on, but saw him for what he is: a consistent receiver who catches the ball all the time. Dougherty wasn’t scared to put a walk-on with the starters, elevating him over seniors like Eldridge Massington or Alex Van Dyke. Michael Alves admitted that the offensive line had a pretty solid starting unit for most of training camp, but Fraley was willing to mix it up to put his best players together.