Rose Bowl parking questions for a Bruin


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2002
Hello,We are visiting your Rose Bowl from Tallahassee for tackle football game on Monday. Three parking questions if you could help us.

1) We have a general parking pass for Lots 1-14. I have heard that it is best to approach the Rose Bowl from the north. If we come south on the 210, is it best to exit at Berkshire which leads to the west side lots or is it best to exit at Arroyo which appears to feed the east side lots?

2) The parking pass says that cars will be parked "5 deep". Does this mean that the middle cars are locked in and must wait for the adjoining car to leave in order to exit.

3) Is exiting from the gold course lots a mess? Are we in for a 90 minute wait to get on the 210 to go north?

thanks for any help/suggestions !
1) We have a general parking pass for Lots 1-14. I have heard that it is best to approach the Rose Bowl from the north. If we come south on the 210, is it best to exit at Berkshire which leads to the west side lots or is it best to exit at Arroyo which appears to feed the east side lots?

Honestly I don't know for sure if one is any better than the other.'s possible more of the cars entering the area from the south will be fed up along the east side of the stadium than the west side...primarily because there are more streets that enter the area from the SE (3) vs the SW (1).

2) The parking pass says that cars will be parked "5 deep". Does this mean that the middle cars are locked in and must wait for the adjoining car to leave in order to exit.

Yes, it is possible you could get stuck in the middle if they do a 5 deep. BUT... they don't typically do the entire area 5 deep...I think they only do it if necessary. I have some friends who went to the Rose Bowl game today and they parked on the golf course and they were just double stacked as usual. I imagine it depends on just how many people park at the stadium as opposed to taking the shuttle and buses.

3) Is exiting from the gold course lots a mess? Are we in for a 90 minute wait to get on the 210 to go north?

Yes, it's possible it could take you a while to get out. Trying to get 92K people out of a canyon in a residential area with very few access roads all at the same time is not an easy task.

Again, exiting and arriving from the north is much less doesn't mean it won't be congested at all. My suggestion is to pack a little post game picnic. A couple drinks (preferably non-alcoholic if you're driving), maybe some chips and dip or something like that and just hang out and celebrate with the others for awhile while the worst of the traffic clears.

thanks for any help/suggestions !

One word of advice...when you park on the golf course...look for the numbered balloon markers to remember where you parked. Once it gets dark, it's difficult to figure out where you parked if you didn't make note of the section marker. And....arriving early is best. The earlier the better!